Today’s topic is How Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes. Obviously, you can find a great deal of Does Lemongrass Repel Lizards-related content online. The proliferation of online platforms has streamlined our access to information.
There is a connection between the Southern California is now a mosquito zone. Here’s how to defend yourself and Does Lemongrass Repel Moths information. more searching has to be done for Does Lemongrass Repel Lizards, which will also be related to How To Use Lemon Grass As Mosquito Repellent.
72 Facts How Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes | 12 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants: Do They Really Work?
- The team found that on average, mosquito attraction to human odor in the presence of oil repellents ranged from 74 to 86 percent, while DEET-based repellents ranged from 30 to 34 percent attraction. Of the oils tested, only five of them—peppermint, lemongrass, spearmint, garlic, and cinnamon—showed any impact on mosquito attraction. Cinnamon oil could reduce mosquito attraction for 90 minutes, peppermint and lemongrass oil worked for 60 minutes, and spearmint and garlic oil lost their efficacy after the 30-minute mark. For commercial sprays only the OLE (Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent) reduced attraction to 22 to 31 percent, though all five showed some amount of reduction of attraction. - Source: Internet
- Essential oils are a great, all-natural way to help repel bed bugs from your home. There are multiple essential oils you can use for this purpose, but there are also some essential oils that have been found to kill bed bugs in certain situations. So, try them out and see which one works for you. - Source: Internet
- The beauty of diatomaceous earth is that because it is a mineral, it won’t evaporate or even break down over time. So, just to be clear, once you put it down, it stays down while continuously working to repel and kill bedbugs. And what that means is that you’ll be leaving any sleeping space in better bug and bite-free shape than you may have even found it – good karma now coming right back at you! - Source: Internet
- or “Creeping Lemon Thyme” (Thymus X citriodorus), a perennial, seemed to do better than either lemongrass or Mosquito Plant at repelling mosquitos, studies show. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) contains more citronella—as much as 400 times more—than the Mosquito Plant. And it turns out both lemon thyme and lemon balm are less expensive and easier to grow. - Source: Internet
- Essential oils have a lot of benefits when used against bugs. They kill or repel the bed bugs effectively. However, if you do not do it right, you may not achieve anything worthwhile with them. - Source: Internet
- Keep mosquitoes from entering your homes by blocking all potential entry points. Eliminating breeding sites outdoors might force mosquitoes to look for the same indoors. Thus, it is important to repair damaged and broken windows to keep mosquitoes out. - Source: Internet
- The volatile oils from the needles of these evergreen trees have long been favored for their incredibly cleansing, purifying qualities—including the removal of insects. While pine essential oil specifically hasn’t been closely studied against bed bugs, one study from 2015 showed that one species of pine killed the larva and repelled the adult stage of certain other insects. The results suggest broad-range insecticidal activity which could possibly be effective against bed bugs too.3 - Source: Internet
- In fact, as a health and wellness expert on and a holistic writer/practitioner of some renown, I’ve had an exponential increase in inquiries lately regarding the efficacy of using all-natural substances in efforts to repel and/or avoid the scourge (and bite!) of this insidious insect. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at some herbs, essential oils and other holistic repellents that ameliorate the problem before we take a hop on any planes, trains or homeward-bound, packed-with-presents-only automobiles. - Source: Internet
- While the lemongrass plant can be useful on its own, most scientific studies have studied this plant in its derivative essential oil form. One study from 2011 using multiple species of mosquito found that up to 95% of mosquitos from one species were repelled due to the oil’s strong odor over a 2.5 hour period (2). - Source: Internet
- Effectively repellent essential oils include cinnamon oil, lemongrass oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, thyme oil, tea tree oil, and, finally, eucalyptus oil. In my experience, all or any of these oils have laid claim to both killing as well as repelling bed bugs. My own personal blend, the one that I carry as current companion on my New York hotel stays (bed bug central these days!) is a blend of ten drops of lavender essential oil added to six drops of lemongrass essential oil, six drops of tea tree and ten of thyme. - Source: Internet
- Fortunately, it’s not all doom and gloom. If you happened to purchase one of these plants in hopes of getting some bug-repelling benefits, studies do show that the oils from the crushed leaves of these plants are somewhat effective at repelling mosquitos, even if at only a fraction of the effectiveness of DEET. But they’re not very long-lasting—only for about 30 minutes. - Source: Internet
- Hansen has compared DEET-containing substances and oils in other experiments, but he emphasized that direct comparisons with DEET may not be a fair evaluation. “We tested the pure essential oils which are very volatile. It would not be fair to compare the protection time with DEET because much of the oils probably evaporated quickly. The trick with repellents using this sort of essential oils is to mix them with inactive ingredients to achieve slow release,” he said. - Source: Internet
- Well, Allium is actually a species that includes hundreds of types of plants. Among them garlic and onions. If you have a vegetable garden, growing some garlic and onions will help keep mosquitoes away. - Source: Internet
- Join the fight against these super annoying pests by making your garden a place mosquitoes will hate the sight of. And smell, of course. Particularly the smell! - Source: Internet
- Before you begin ripping off the leaves of the plant and rubbing them all over your exposed skin, try testing out the oil on a small area first, such as your inner forearm to be on the safe side. Wait a day or two to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction to the oil. If you develop an itchy rash or bumps, using lemon grass or any other plant containing citronella oil as a mosquito repellent is likely not a good option for you. If you tend to have allergies, this can be an especially important step to take. - Source: Internet
- The answer is yes. Many companies are using common essential oils as active ingredients in their own products. Plant oils can either directly kill, repel, or otherwise negatively impact the lifecycle of bed bugs on contact or through feeding. - Source: Internet
- For instance, in the undiluted form, lemongrass oil and others listed here can hurt your skin badly. Undiluted lemongrass oil, in particular, is known to burn the skin. So to use it, you will have to dilute it first. - Source: Internet
- The team was surprised to find that citronella, derived from tropical grasses and long used to repel insects, was not effective against mosquitoes. “We were surprised by the complete failure of citronella,” said Hansen. “The second surprise was that when we tested commercial products that contained only essential oils that tested negative in our initial test, we found that they repelled mosquitoes at the initial time point. One explanation is that it was the mixture of different essential oils that did the job, another is that the inactive ingredients in the sprays covered up the human smell of the treated hand.” - Source: Internet
- “Protecting yourself with any spray-on, CDC-approved repellent like DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil is my best recommendation anytime you go outside for an extended period,” she said. “Personal protectants are the only certainty against bites.” - Source: Internet
- Spraying would minimize the number of mosquitoes in your area. This is done by using either foggers/aerosols or insecticidal sprays. The difference is that foggers kill mosquitoes in the air, whereas sprays are applied on surfaces (cool, shady, and moist areas) that potentially provide shelter for mosquitoes. - Source: Internet
- Hansen and his team used a Y-tube olfactometer bioassay, in which the sample substance was placed in one tube, and a human volunteer was placed so that her hand’s odor was detected along with the oil/sample. All 21 active ingredients were tested this way at 30-minute intervals until they observed no repellency. The commercial products were applied directly to the volunteer’s hand and tested with the Y-tube device. Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were evaluated in the study. - Source: Internet
- Popular as a tea, spice, and aroma, lemongrass has similar compounds and properties to citrus, and especially lemon. These properties have brought its possibility for insecticidal benefits to light. Studies show that lemongrass essential oil could in fact be insecticidal, having cytotoxic and neurotoxic effects on many species.6 Whether it can help prevent or repel bed bugs still needs study, though the odds look good with research results. (And it doesn’t hurt to try it in an anti-bed bug essential oil blend!) - Source: Internet
- Oils from these plants may be extracted by crushing the leaves. In fact, these oils display repellency comparable to commercial repellents. The oils may then be directly applied to the skin for personal protection against mosquito bites. However, these oils should be used with caution as they may cause skin irritation or trigger an allergic reaction. - Source: Internet
- Container mosquitoes, which include the Aedes species identified by its black and white body and white striped legs, typically emerge next. Female mosquitoes lay eggs in anything holding water – from tires, buckets and wheelbarrows to gutters, unkept pools and trash cans. They prefer clearer, fresher water, and females are constantly looking for good breeding sites. - Source: Internet
- Sprays or barrier treatments that kill adult mosquitoes are another option, but effectiveness is limited, Swiger said. Products that homeowners can apply only last 24 hours. Professionals can apply longer-lasting barrier products – typically pyrethroid-based or organic products – but their effectiveness degrades with time. - Source: Internet
- Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a member of the Poaceae (formerly known as Gramineae) family. It is a tall tropical grass, which originated in India and Sri Lanka but has also been cultivated across tropical regions such as Asia and some parts of America and Africa. Other names are citron grass; fever grass (Trinidad & Tobago); lemon grass (India & Nigeria); West Indian lemongrass (southern India and Ceylon, Sri Lanka). - Source: Internet
- The only challenge with lemongrass oil is that it is not advisable to use it around cats. This is because it causes liver damage. So if you must apply it where you have your cats, you must ensure you remove them from the house first. - Source: Internet
- Certain plants can offer some level of protection to your patio too. These include citronella and a few other geranium varieties, marigolds, lemongrass, catnip, certain types of mint, lavender, and lantana. There are also common aromatic herbs that have limited ability to drive off mosquitoes, such as rosemary, garlic, basil, thyme and fennel. No, you do not have to wear the garlic around your neck. - Source: Internet
- People opt for essential oils as natural alternatives to cleaning, beauty, and some health and wellness products. Some may go a step further and use them to keep insects like gnats or mosquitoes away. But what about repelling, killing, and fumigating bed bugs? - Source: Internet
- “Anytime after a rain, it is good to make a round on the property to look for anything that might be holding water,” she said. “It just takes a matter of days for these mosquitoes to go from egg to biter, so they can become a problem pretty quickly.” - Source: Internet
- Mosquito Plant (citrosa geraniums or Pelargonium citrosum) is an attractive tropical plant with lacy green foliage and beautiful flowers and a member of the geranium family. It is prized for its citrus aroma that comes from the oils in the foliage. But simply placing a Mosquito Plant on your patio won’t stop mosquitoes from biting. In fact, according to the American Botanical Council, while these plants have been engineered to produce citronella oil, they only contain trace amounts—not enough for any real lasting pest control. They’re certainly beautiful plants to grow in the back yard, but if you’re planting them because of the promise of fewer bugs flying around your yard, you might want to reconsider. - Source: Internet
- A laboratory test showed that lemongrass essential oil could effectively control sandflies. Lemongrass essential oil at 1 mg/ml elicited 100% repellency, whereas 0.75 mg/ml of essential oil provided protection for up to 3 hours. - Source: Internet
- In this same study previously mentioned, spearmint was another strong contender for repelling and killing bed bugs. Though not as powerful as its close relative peppermint, spearmint is nonetheless featured in many naturally made non-toxic bed bug-fighting formulas as an effective ingredient for killing these pesky insects in their nymph form. Plus, it will make the room smell fresh too. - Source: Internet
- “It’s difficult to predict when or where these mosquitoes might become a problem,” she said. “Widespread heavy rain makes it even more difficult to predict.” - Source: Internet
- When placed inside a jar containing cotton balls soaked in lemongrass oil – acetone solution, all house flies (100) died in only about 4.3 minutes. Moreover, behavioral changes have also been observed, such as hyperextension of the legs and abdomen. - Source: Internet
- Alcohol: Instead of taking to drink to make any bedbug infestation easier to swallow, why not rub alcohol in this wound instead? Rubbing alcohol combined in an atomizer with two parts spring or distilled water and sprayed around the bedbuggy space has been known to kill these creepy crawlers on contact. It is not, however, considered any sort of effective repellent. It does dry immediately and carries no residual effect once it has dried. So, if you can’t get to the steamer or don’t have an opportunity to steam or iron the seams and the corners of the bed you are sleeping in, why not try spraying the mattress and sheets in order to ensure and stay on the (bug-free) safe side! - Source: Internet
- The powerful volatile oils from this Australian tree genus are hailed for their cleansing properties. It’s been noticed by more than a few that they keep insects and bugs at bay too. In the broad-spectrum study of 18 different essential oils against bed bugs, all eucalyptus species ranked around #7 in the lineup, making it a strong contender for both killing and repelling them. Eucalyptus essential oils are already established as effective for repelling certain other pests. - Source: Internet
- You can also add this same blend to a quarter of a cup of any base or carrier oil, such as almond, jojoba or grapeseed oil, for personal protection. Adding 10 drops each of lavender, tea tree, lemongrass and thyme to a quarter of a cup of the carrier and then worn as a body oil will keep the critters from crawling anywhere near you once the lights go down. In fact, a blend of these specific essential oils alone (without the carrier oil) can also be used to treat any existing bites while also disinfecting any previously bitten areas. One quick reminder, though: tea tree essential oil can be toxic to both humans and pets if used in an incorrect or inappropriate dosage. And none of these oils should ever be ingested for any reason at all. - Source: Internet
- Oil constituents present in lemongrass have inherent repellent and irritant qualities against Aedes aegypti and other anthropods. Mosquitoes exposed to lemongrass essential oils tend to exhibit behavioral changes such as irritancy and avoidance of contact. In higher concentrations, lemongrass essential oil has also been found to be toxic to mosquitoes. - Source: Internet
- Soap and Water: Good old-fashioned soap and water, as well as a fair amount of steam, will repel and kill bed bugs, as will wrapping your mattress in plastic should an infestation actually occur. But, is this really adequate advice for those taking to the road? Nah, not really. So, let’s take a more proactive and in-depth look at what the savvy traveler can pack alongside the soap, sensible shoes and the Spanx in order to guarantee bedbug-free journeys. - Source: Internet
- Next up is clove, and it’s not just for pumpkin spice. Its natural numbing agent, eugenol, is also infamously good at keeping insects at bay—and in some cases even killing them. Eugenol, and clove essential oils in general, are mentioned in multiple studies as being premier ingredients in natural bed bug repellents. 2 4 It can kill up to 90% of bed bug nymphs and around 25% of adult stages. Plus, it is even more effective when used in combination with other oils. - Source: Internet
- Which is the best natural repellent: lemongrass or citronella? Different strains of mosquitoes would react differently with any type of repellent. In any case, both lemongrass and citronella oils are effective in controlling mosquitoes. Essential oils derived from these grasses contain active ingredients that trigger olfactory, contact, and gustatory repellency. - Source: Internet
- Oils are also a very complex mixture of a variety of chemicals. Dozens, maybe even hundreds of compounds may comprise an essential oil mix. “In many cases, we don’t know which of the compounds found in essential oils are the active ingredients that repel mosquitoes,” Hansen said. - Source: Internet
- Swiger said pets should be removed from areas with mosquito infestations. Small children should not be taken outdoors for long periods if mosquitoes are an issue because they can have adverse reactions to mosquito bites, and spray products should be used sparingly on them, especially babies. There are age restrictions for most repellents; no repellents on babies less than 2 months old and do not use lemon of eucalyptus oil on children 3 and under. - Source: Internet
- Once you try the plants and natural repellents we recommend, come back to us and tells us how it went. We’d love to hear from you. See you next post! - Source: Internet
- Almost 75 percent of Ayurvedic (an Indian holistic medicinal platform) cures contain some form of neem. The Indians consider this tree sacred and actually even refer to it as “the village pharmacy.” Now, all that said, although neem oil has been shown effective in repelling both mosquitoes and lice, it doesn’t seem to have a 100-percent efficacy in fighting off bedbugs. So I wouldn’t use this as the only repellent in my arsenal. But I would be sure to slather it on my body before getting under any covers that weren’t my own, while additionally spraying the sheets with either the aforementioned alcohol or essential oil remedies. - Source: Internet
- This widely popular essential oil for coughs, colds, and flus contains an active ingredient called carvacrol. This insecticidal compound is also one of the most widely used (and most effective ingredients) found in natural alternative bug killers including bed bug formulas. In the journal study of 18 essential oils against bed bugs, oregano ranked just after thyme (and thymol) for effectiveness in repelling and killing bed bugs. - Source: Internet
- Lemongrass oil is found to be effective against stable flies. In a laboratory experiment, the stable flies were recorded to have spent more time flying around the pad soaked in bovine blood but untreated with lemongrass oil. The attractiveness of the untreated pad eventually led stable flies to feed on it. - Source: Internet
- Some essential oils are better than others when it comes to repelling bed bugs. With some, you may be required to use a lot more in the mixture, and you may have to spray it around your house more often. While with others, you may only require a few drops and may only need to spray it around once every few days to get the results that you want. But let us have a look at the essential oils that you can use. - Source: Internet
- Summer means bloodthirsty mosquitos will soon be ruining our backyard festivities and outdoor adventures. More and more people are turning to natural botanicals to repel pests rather than toxic chemical sprays like DEET. Fragrant, leafy mosquito-repelling botanicals are very popular and people are planting them on their property in an effort to create bug-free back yards. But are the claims true? Do these plants work at repelling mosquitos? There’s good news and bad news. - Source: Internet
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, meanwhile, has an online tool that helps you figure out what repellent would work best for you. - Source: Internet
- Neem Oil: Another all-natural insect repellent and pesticide is neem oil, a derivative made from the seeds and/or the leaves of the neem tree. Neem is reportedly the most heavily researched and widely used herbal remedy in all of India, the country from which this tree hails. Studies indicate that the bark, leaves and oil of the neem tree have been used in the East for several thousand years in efforts at treating all sorts of accidents, illnesses and injuries. - Source: Internet
- You might also want to try using some rubbing alcohol to kill the little bugs, which has been shown to be effective. You can combine the rubbing alcohol in a spray or atomizer bottle with some distilled water and then spray it around spaces that are prone to bed bugs. This is not meant to be a repellant but rather a solution for an ongoing infestation as it kills the bed bugs. - Source: Internet
- Lemongrass is among the many plants known to repel mosquitoes. However, lemongrass itself would not significantly affect mosquitoes. This repellent plant will only deter mosquitoes when leaves are crushed, and the oil extract is rubbed on the skin for personal protection. - Source: Internet
- Rosemary Oil – this essential oil has a lovely light and clean aroma that is loved by almost everyone. This essential oil is used in many perfumes and colognes and has been used in this way for thousands of years. This essential oil does not only have a good smell, but it is a perfect bed bug repellent. When it was tested, it killed almost all of the bed bugs after five days, so this is defiantly one to add to the spray bottle. - Source: Internet
- You can use good old soap and water with a good amount of steam to help get rid of bed bugs. This is a good way to not only repel bed bugs but also kill them outright. So, if you have a clothes steamer, then it will be your best friend when fighting the little bugs. - Source: Internet
- Or try this DIY spray repellent: Harvest and crush the plant ‘s leaves and soak it in three parts vodka per one part of plant material. Bottle it up and let it sit out of direct sunlight for a few weeks before using. Spray on the skin (test a small area first) before heading outdoors. - Source: Internet
- Citronella works famously for repelling flies, mosquitoes, and gnats in the form of candles, aromatic diffusers, sprays, lotions, and much more. Can it do anything for keeping bed bugs away? According to this recent study, citronella’s active plant compound found in its essential oil—citronellic acid—was very successful at keeping bed bugs away, especially when used mixed with other types of essential oils for the same purpose. However, it was not shown to be very good at directly killing them at any growth stage.5 - Source: Internet
- For both ritual and practical purposes, cedarwoods of many types around the world have been uniformly used for deterring and expelling unwanted spiritual and physical presences. It turns out that cedarwood essential oils are also useful for both killing and repelling bed bugs to a great degree. Two species ranked 3rd and 4th in the lineup, while others ranked 6th, 10th, and 11th.2 This oil’s heavenly alpine scent is desirable enough as it is while also helping you kill and deter bed bugs naturally and safely. - Source: Internet
- Sonja Swiger, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologist and associate professor in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Entomology, Stephenville, said biting mosquitoes are a seasons-long problem that often changes based on the environment. - Source: Internet
- Mint oils of many kinds, including peppermint, have been used to repel and kill insects for centuries. In one wide-range study of 18 essential oils against bed bugs, peppermint oil was one of a few select essential oil ingredients in insecticidal formulas that showed high mortality against the insects (especially in their nymph stage). When applied topically to infested surfaces, it wiped out 90% of the bugs.2 - Source: Internet
- The essential oil found in the foliage of the eucalyptus trees is typically used in pharmaceuticals, food, and perfumes. However, it is also instrumental as an insect repellent. Eucalyptus promotes insecticidal death as well as working against fungi, bacteria, weeds, nematodes, and mites. - Source: Internet
- Essential oils are a great all-natural insect repellant that also adds other benefits to your life as a bonus. Some essential oils work better than others as they are stronger or have more qualities to them that bed bugs may not like. But if you are looking for a natural way to repel the bed bugs in your home, then essential oils are a must-try. - Source: Internet
- Lemongrass is a low-maintenance perennial grass that can easily adapt to various climatic conditions. It can be grown from stem or root division. In areas with cooler climates, lemongrass is usually grown in containers. Therefore, this plant is easy to grow. - Source: Internet
- The active ingredient found in the thyme plant, thymol, is famously used for repelling and killing a wide range of insects—including bed bugs. Of the 18 essential oils tested in the study, thyme ranked #4 in terms of its insecticidal activity. This oil is very commonly used with, and made more effective alongside, oregano essential oil in formulas.2 - Source: Internet
- Lemon grass plants are excellent container plants, and setting one by your front door is a lovely way to welcome guests into your home. The plant gives off a slight lemony fragrance, but that alone will not be enough to keep pesky mosquitoes from entering your home uninvited. The best and most effective way to repel mosquitoes using the plant is to crush the leaves, thus releasing the oil, and rub them directly onto your skin. Even so, this method will only repel mosquitoes for a short time. - Source: Internet
- Thyme is a potent antimicrobial ingredient, whose odor will quickly repel bed bugs. You can use the smoke of a thyme stick to driving away the bed bugs, or you can place thyme leaves in a net bag and place them in the infested areas. The strong aroma will drive the bed bugs from their hiding places, which will allow you to kill them or vacuum them up. - Source: Internet
- It’s hard to imagine that the oil from a sweet little flower could deal such a devastating blow to bed bugs. But it does: many species of geranium, and their unique cocktail of volatile oils (including geraniol), can help repel and kill these insects. In one study, geranium essential oil was one of many other oils that helped reduce a population of bed bugs that had grown resistant to mainstream chemical insecticidal applications.4 - Source: Internet
- Summer is here and so are the mosquitoes in your backyard, waiting to nibble at your ankles. And elbows. And earlobes. - Source: Internet
- You can also try to make the outdoor area you’ll be hanging out in inhospitable to mosquitoes by setting up several tiki torches or other devices that diffuse repellent. But the efficacy of diffusers can vary according to the species of mosquito. Try them one at a time until you find an approach that works best for you. - Source: Internet
- To investigate the ability of essential oils to repel mosquitoes, Immo Hansen, associate professor of biology at New Mexico State University, and his colleagues conducted tests on 21 oil active ingredients and five commercial repellents from the EPA 25(B) list. They found that five oils reduced mosquitoes’ attraction to human odor, and just one commercial repellent reduced attraction to human odor. Their findings were published in the Journal of Medical Entomology. - Source: Internet
- If applied directly on critters, lemongrass oil will kill them almost immediately. The oil is also known to act as a natural birth control method for bed bugs since it prevents their eggs from hatching. Without the eggs hatching, it is often easier to get rid of the pests from the house. - Source: Internet
It’s crucial to be aware of the many electronic media sources available when researching Mosquito populations booming after rains, such as Google and YouTube. You may also get info about How To Make Lemongrass Mosquito Repellent on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Video | How Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes
It’s crucial to read to examine the authenticity of each source in order to acquire the greatest information regarding how does lemongrass kill bed bugs. You’ll learn more about Lemongrass Oil Kills Bed Bugs after watching the films included in this post, which come from a variety of different sources. Information on a wide range of topics may be easily accessed via the internet.
## Notable features of Lemongrass As A Mosquito Repellent Lotion include:- How Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes
- Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes
- How Does Lemongrass Kill Bed Bugs
- Does Lemongrass Repel Mosquitoes Reddit
- How Does Lemongrass Oil Kill Insects
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In summing up, I’d like to say that this article offers a general summary of Lemongrass Spray For Bugs. Also covered are How To Use Lemon Grass As Mosquito Repellent and Effectiveness Of Lemongrass As A Mosquito Repellent, which serve as a benchmark for evaluating the depth of your understanding of 12 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants: Do They Really Work?.